Creating my Github Website

Welcome to my First Post!

Firstly I needed to create a repository, which is a basically a file in which all the web pages would be created on. I did this by;

  1. going to
  2. pressing “create repository”
  3. entering my username
  4. then copying the https address to the terminal in my raspberry pi (this is to clone the repository to my raspberry pi, in order to use the terminal and gedit to edit it)
  5. I entered the the weblink in front of the words “gif clone”
  6. then entering my username in front of “cd”

While this process was going on I was installing gedit on my computer.

I also searched and found a HTML template to use for my site, I used “Lens” from HTMLUP.

The steps I took to save versions of my website through Terminal are:

  • git add .
  • git commit -m “your message”
  • git push (username) (password)

As my website was mainly visual, I needed to change the photos. I changed the photos on my website by putting the photos in the folders for images, within the repository. I only had to do this for the thumbnails as the slide pictures appeared through javascript which the author of the template included. Originally there were 12 images but I reduced to 4 by removing the html code for the other 8. Quite simple.

I also editted the social media buttons, the template used font awesome, which means all I had to do was find the name of the social media site I wanted and change it in the html and the icon would automatically change.

And the main thing which was editting the text was fairly simple, I changed the default text in HTML to whatever I wanted, all fairly simple.

One of the challenges I faced, which I will try to better the next time will be; changes to the images so the website looked more sleek and fitted.

Thats all for now, but I am loving the site and my main photo, and I hope you all appreciate it too!!!



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